
HUGO PAQUETE | Museu da Olaria

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

the red squaw is - as the yellow one and the yellow one is + then the triangular shape that is in contact with the red square and in contact with the green cycle but not in contact with the black rectangular
shape in the top of this with sheet.
The emptiness in action is less important than casual and a bio electric distension of your arm's think in the circle and move your self to the left 45 degrees, make a pause fill your brief in and out of your longs, think in the yellow square that not exist in parallel
with your action and move your self to the right 30 degrees and jump,spot is good in that way.
Now go home and make your live as a normal person if you want you can be a dissident and question the reason of this flayer and construct a
basis of arguments about art and casual situation, about the performance that you make fouling this orders.
But the most important is that you are participating in the The 15th Performance Art Conference. Will do this 24 hours.
Hugo Paquete

Hugo Paquete disse...

Obrigado pela promoção senhor António...
